Sadhana Code
Learn to Choose an ideal spiritual practice using your intuition as a Guide
Course Overview
It can be confusing to choose what is truly in your highest and best interest for your spiritual evolution and development. This course can help you find clarity when making choices about your spiritual practice.
So, what is a spiritual practice?
“A spiritual practice is a discipline of regular actions or activities performed to cultivate spiritual development or create spiritual experiences… it is undertaken to reach a goal such as salvation, union with the Divine, or freedom from worldly troubles.”
So many choices are available from prayer and meditation to breathing and mindfulness. And there are several Traditional Hindu or Buddhist paths to take, as well as many New Age approaches… all leading to the same place.
Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jhana Yoga, Asana Yoga and Prana Yoga
New Age
Metaphisics, Visualization and Mindfulness
Mahayana, Hinayana, Vajrayana and Tibetan Buddhism
Study Solo or in a Group? Best Frequency, Duration and Intensity for Study. Energy Blocks to Clear?
This unique application of Muscle Testing is designed to help find out what is your best daily practice… the course is free for all. We can simply teach you to master the basic technique of Muscle Testing and learn to use the Sadhana Code mindmap with the specific questioning protocols. You can learn it in very little time.

12 paths
We offer information on many paths. My guru used to say, “Truth is one, many are the names…”
There are 5 Hindu or Vedic paths, 4 Buddhist paths and 3 New Age paths that are covered in our program. No doubt there are many more…
This is just a start, we intend to expand our information and welcome anyone who wishes to have a spiritual practice added to our offerings.
Spiritual Practice One Step at a Time
Having a Spiritual Practice or Sadhana, is a very personal and private experience that is deeply moving and can have powerful effects on other parts of your life. We don’t pretend to know in our minds what is the best choice for you… but we know someone that does know.
Your higher self can guide you to find the best daily practice for you. In fact, only your higher self, also called your intuition, can truly know what’s best and guide you there safely. There is a little known and highly effective way to communicate and get truthful answers from your intuition.
It is called Applied Kinesiology or Muscle Testing and has been used by chiropractors for decades, with detailed scientific theory. (Read “Power vs Force” by Dr. David Hawkins)
This unique application of Muscle Testing is designed to help find out what is your best daily practice… the course is free for all.

We can simply teach you to master the basic technique of Muscle Testing and learn to use the Sadhana Code mindmap with the specific questioning protocols. You can learn it in very little time.
Or if you prefer knowing right away and getting the information directly, we can have a private one on one session with a certified energy healer trained in remotely asking your intuition the proper questions about your path. These video chat sessions cost $77/hour. And can provide helpful insight into your Sadhana.